Constraints to Participation in Income Generating Enterprises among Youths in Birnin Gwari LGA, Kaduna State


  • Adebayo Aworemi Awotodunbo Leventis Foundation (Nig) LTD/GTE Dogon Dawa, Kaduna


Youths, who are the most important target group for human resources development, also constitute the foundation of sustainable development. For sustainable food production and viable agricultural development, youths need to occupy a very central stage. This research was carried out in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna State to assess the constraints to participation of youth in Agricultural and other potential income generating enterprises. Combination of survey and oral interview were used to collect data from 100 youths randomly sampled from secondary schools in the LGA. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi square and Pearson product moment correlation. The study reveals that respondents’ age, sex and extent of participation are significantly related to participation constraints at p<0.05. Religion of the respondents is however not significantly related to participation constraints at p<0.05. It is therefore recommended that all stakeholders in agriculture and rural development must come up with policies and reforms that would further encourage youths’ participation in agriculture and other rural income generating enterprises in the zone




How to Cite

Awotodunbo, A. A. (2009). Constraints to Participation in Income Generating Enterprises among Youths in Birnin Gwari LGA, Kaduna State. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 13(1). Retrieved from



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