Characteristics of Free-Range Chicken Production in Ogun State, Nigeria
Free-Range Chickens, Family-Poultry, Linkage-Services, Business-Development, Extension-CapabilityAbstract
Free-range chicken production often referred to as “family-poultry production†(FPP) is practiced mostly by households in developing world contributing nominal livelihood values. The study investigated personal characteristics of respondents, habits and practices, numbers of chickens and other animals cared for, causes of chicken loss, chickens’ diseases and health care awareness by respondents, and preferred extension capability to provide linkage services. Fifty farmers were interviewed using multi-stage random sampling procedure. Results showed that 70% of respondents were female and 42% were within 18 to 45 age bracket. Adult female (48%) spend the most time caring for the chickens while, 30% and 24% keep chickens for sales and consumption respectively. 76% provide housing, 74% feed-supplement and 80% medication to support their flocks like intensive system. Predators (40%) and diseases (36%) were the main causes of poultry loss. Continuous sensitization on basic information about chicken care (100%) and market accessibility (76.51%) were some of the preferred extension capability by farmers. Continuous training and provision of linkage services (simple housing, feed-supplement, vaccination against Newcastle-Disease and deworming of birds) are recommended extension capability to develop FPP business.Downloads
How to Cite
ABANIGBE, S. A. (2018). Characteristics of Free-Range Chicken Production in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 22(1), 79–90. Retrieved from
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