Training Needs of Extension Agents In AL Diwaniyah Province, Iraq


  • Bassim Haleem Kshash Agriculture college


One of the main factors limiting the establishment of effective training programs for extension agents is the inadequacy of information on their training needs. Specifically the study was conducted to assess training needs of extension agents in  some agricultural extension areas.60 extension agents were selecting , face-to-faces interviews with a pre-tested structured questionnaire used to collect data. The collected data was analyses using frequency, percentage, weighted arithmetic mean, simple correlation.Findings of  the study revealed that forty-five  of the respondents had medium training needs about some agricultural extension areas . The respondents had a high level of training needs in the area of post-harvest technology ,integrated  pest management (IPM), Information  and communication technology (ICT),value addition of agricultural commodities, floriculture management, marketing of agricultural commodities ,protected  agriculture, planning  and implementation agricultural extension programs, climate change, fish farming technologies, organic  agriculture ,and determination of farmers training needs. significant and negative correlation was investigated between training need and  educational qualification, years of experience, and number of training attended.  The study recommends that training course should be conducted for extension agents in areas where respondents showed a middle and high training needs.




How to Cite

Kshash, B. H. (2018). Training Needs of Extension Agents In AL Diwaniyah Province, Iraq. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 22(2), 125–135. Retrieved from



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