Perception of Organic Farming among Urban Vegetable Farmers in Delta Central Agricultural Zone.


  • IGHORO ALEXANDER Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology, Federal University of Akure
  • Alakpa O. Samuel
  • KOYENIKAN MARGARET Department of Agric Extension, University of Benin
  • Awhareno U Sidney Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Asaba, Delta State


This study examined the perception of urban vegetable farmers on organic farming. Data were collected from 102 respondents using a multi stage sampling technique and a structured interview schedule. Results indicate that the majority of the farmers were females (89.2%) with (87.25%) married and mean age 40.8. Only 10.8% had no education. Most respondents (70.59%) went into vegetable farming as a means of secondary income and for home consumption (82.35%). Major constraints faced by respondents include bulkiness of organic materials ( = 3.34), inability to handle/preserve/process organic material ( = 2.99) and no access to training on organic vegetable farming (( = 3.79). Perception of farmers on organic farming was generally unfavourable (58.8%) however, it was significantly correlated to age (r = 0.171), marital status (c2 = 17.96, p = 0.05) and educational attainment (c2 = 6.397, p = 0.05). It concluded that farmers used organic farming to improve on their income and soil nutrient status and as such recommended appropriate institutional support to encourage organic farming.  

Author Biographies

IGHORO ALEXANDER, Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication Technology, Federal University of Akure

Researcher, Department of Agric Ext and Comm Technology, FUTA, Nigeria

Alakpa O. Samuel

HOD,Department of Agricultural Extension Services, Benson Idahosa University, Benin

KOYENIKAN MARGARET, Department of Agric Extension, University of Benin

Senior Lecturer, Department of Agric Extension, University of Benin

Awhareno U Sidney, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Asaba, Delta State

Chief Agricultural Officer Level 14, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Asaba, Delta State




How to Cite

ALEXANDER, I., Samuel, A. O., MARGARET, K., & Sidney, A. U. (2019). Perception of Organic Farming among Urban Vegetable Farmers in Delta Central Agricultural Zone. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 23(4), 76–83. Retrieved from



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