The Role of Agricultural Extension Service in Poverty Alleviation Among Oil Palm Farmers in Ogun State


  • C I Sodiya Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
  • C O Adamu


Agricultural Extension Service, Poverty Alleviation, Oil Palm Farmers


This study examined the major roles playedby the government owned agricultural extension outfit in other to alleviatethe poverty status of oilpalmfarmers in Ogun State. Multi stage sampling procedure was used to select 120 Oil palmfarmers, who were interviewed in May 2003. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistical tools such aspercentages, averages, ranking andcharts. Two null hypotheses were also testedusing the Chi Square Coefficient. Theresult revealed that oilpalmfarmers are elderly, married, males andfemales. They have noformal education and aremembers offarmers cooperative groups. It was also established that, more than half of thefarmers are large-scale oilpalm producers. They still use crude methodsfor palmfruit harvesting andprocessing. Furthermore, the studyfoundsignificant relationship between group membership andfrequency of extension agents’ contacts (}Cmi = 23.65). Thestudy concluded that, fanners are better assisted when they form strong groups through which intervention can takeplace. It also recommends that, other categories offarmers should be encouraged to organize themselves into viablegroups so that they can benefit adequately from the services rendered by the extension service agency. Also, betterworking environment should be providedfor thefield level extension agents to better perform their roles in the ruralureas.




How to Cite

Sodiya, C. I., FABUSORO, E., & Adamu, C. O. (2005). The Role of Agricultural Extension Service in Poverty Alleviation Among Oil Palm Farmers in Ogun State. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 8. Retrieved from



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