Youths Participation in Farming Activities in Rural Areas of Imo State, Nigeria: implications for Extension


  • F. O. UGWOKE Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University Of Technology, Owerri -Imo State
  • O M Adesope
  • F C IBE


Youths Participation, Farming Activities, implications for Extension


This study investigated youths participation in fanning activities in rural areas of lino stage, NigeriaQuestionnaire was administered to 70 randomly selected respondents from six rural communities in the studyarea. Data were analysed using percentages, ranks and Pearson correlation. The results indicated that theyouths participated in a wide range offarming activities, such as bush clearing, cultivation, planting, weeding,harvesting, among others. Also, significant relationship exists between the level ofparticipation and education (r= -0.274, P< 0.05),farming experience (r = 0.254, P< 0.05), andfarm size (r = 0.267, P< 0.05). Theparticipantsperceived low capital outlay (71%) risk and uncertainty (67%), drudgery (66%), problem of land acquisition(61%), among others, as the nmjor problems that confront youths participation infarming activities in the studyarea. It iva.v reconunended, among others, that the youths should be given the right incentives by government tointensify their participation in farming activities. These include provision of soft loans, tractor hiring services,facilitating landacquisition, among others. The Extension Agency shouldalso help to organize the youths into co¬operative groups to facilitate the above help. Also social amenities should be provided in the rural areas toencourage the youths to stay back and practice full-time and intensified agriculture in the present democraticdispensation




How to Cite

UGWOKE, F. O., Adesope, O. M., & IBE, F. C. (2005). Youths Participation in Farming Activities in Rural Areas of Imo State, Nigeria: implications for Extension. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 8. Retrieved from



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