Factors influencing Adoption of Irrigation Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya


  • Mary Kithome student
  • Hezron Mogaka Rasugu
  • Jayne Njeri Mugwe
  • Hezron Isaboke Nyarindo


The study examined the factors that drive decisions to adopt and use irrigation technologies among smallholder farmers in Machakos County, Kenya.  Data were collected from a sample of 300 smallholder farmers.  Cross-sectional survey design, a multistage sampling procedure and random sampling method were employed. Percentages, means and econometric analysis were used in data analysis. Results showed that, 31.7% of the respondents practiced irrigation. Sex of household head, education, farm size, off-farm income, credit accessed and access to extension services positively influenced adoption of irrigation technologies. Adoption intensity was positively influenced by gender, off-farm income, farming experience, primary occupation and extension services. As a result, it is suggested that while formulating development strategies and programs for smallholder farmers, agricultural extension organizations should give priority to these factors.  


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How to Cite

Kithome, M., Rasugu, H. M., Mugwe, J. N., & Nyarindo, H. I. . (2022). Factors influencing Adoption of Irrigation Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 26(3), 44–59. Retrieved from https://aesonnigeria.org/ajm/index.php/jae/article/view/3238



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