adoption, technoloy, riceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect adoption of improved rice varieties in the southern part of Borno state, Nigeria. The research involved 120 respondents and 12 farmers groups from three districts that were randomly selected. Questionnaire was used to collect data which were interpreted using frequency table, percentage, chi-square and cluster analysis. Comparison of the significance results between the individual locations was done to look for the individual differences. Focus group was used to explore some of the issues in greater detail. The result of the analysis showed that (44%) were fast adopters, (35%) slow adopters and (21%) were non-adopters. The findings revealed that access to improved rice seed (47.38***), access to credit (17.70***), contact with extension agents (247.59***) and membership of farmer’s association (24.65***) are highly significant while age (16.05*) and farming experience (16.84*) are also significant to adoption of improved rice varieties in the area. Farmer’s groups also mentioned that lack of a medium maturing variety and a thresher are amongst their most important problems. This challenges present implication for developing different technologies and support system that take such variance in to account or government will keep on spending a huge resources that will not give a good results and also a threat to food security.References
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Awotide, B. A., Diagne, A. Awoyemi, T. T., and Ojehomon, V. T. (2010). Farm level constraint and adoption of improved rice varieties in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Studies,1 (2), 12-29.
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Dontsop-Nguezet, P. M., Diagne, A., Okuruwa, V. O., and Ojehomon, V. (2011). Impact of improved rice technology on income and poverty among rice farming household in Nigeria: A local Average treatment effect (LATE) approach. Contributed paper prepared for the 25th conference of the centre for the studies of African economies (CASAE) 20-22nd March, 2011.St
Catherine College, University of Oxford, UK.
Donye, A. O., Ja’afar-Furo, M. R. and Obinne, C. P. O. (2013). Improving smallholder farming and extension in Nigeria: the Sasakawa Africa fund for extension education strategy. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 4 (2), 97-102.
Dugje, I.Y., Onyibe, J. F.,Ekeleme, F., Kamara, A. Y., Tegbaru, A., Omoigui, L. O. and Bassi, S. A. (2008). Guide to Certified Seeds Production in Borno State, Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 20 pp.
Ekeleme, F., Kamara, A.Y., Omoigui, L. O., Tegbaru, A., Mshelia, J., and Onyibe, J. E. (2008). Guide to Rice Production in Borno State, Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1-20.
Emtage, N., and Suh, J. (2006), Identifying typology of households based on the characteristics of their farming land and livelihood systems. University of Queensland discussion paper.
FAOSTAT. (2014). Crop production and trade. Rice production, importation harvested area.http://faostat.fao.org/site/567/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=567#ancor accessed 19/may/2014.
Heisey, P. and Mwangi, W. (1993).An Overview of Measuring Research Impacts Assessment, in Heisey, P. and Waddington, S. (Eds.). Impacts on Farm Research. Proceedings of a Net workshop on Impacts of Farm Research in Eastern Africa. CIMMYT Eastern and Southern Africa on Farm Research Network Report No. 24. Harare. Zimbabwe, pp. 28-36.
Kijima, Y., and Sserunkuuma, D. (2013). The adoption of NERICA rice varieties at the initial stage of the diffusion process in Uganda. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 8 (1), 45-56.
Mrema, G. C., Baker, D., and Kahan, D. (2008). Agricultural mechanisation in sub-Saharan Africa: time for a new look. Agricultural management, marketing and finance Occasional paper 22. Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, Rome Italy.
Mustapha, S. B., Undiandeye, U.C., Sanusi, A. M., and Bakari, S. (2012). Analysis of adoption of improved rice production technologies in Jeer local government area of Borno state, Nigeriaâ€, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 1 (3), 1112-1120.
NRDS (2009). National Rice Development Strategy, Federal Republic of Nigeria. http://www.inter-reseaux.org/IMG/pdf_NRDS_FINAL__National_rice_development_stategy_.pdf accessed 19/09/14.
How to Cite
chekene, mohammed buba. (2015). FACTORS AFFECTING THE ADOPTION OF IMPROVED RICE VARIETIES IN BORNO STATE, NIGERIA. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 19(2). Retrieved from https://aesonnigeria.org/ajm/index.php/jae/article/view/515
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