One of the major weaknesses of contemporary agricultural extension worldwide is the lack of research that can drive policy, and enhance management and practice of agricultural extension. Most of the available research efforts and output in agricultural extension lack careful attention to conceptual and methodological details. There is the feeling that narrow ideological considerations with pre-determined outcomes not designed to address specific extension problems predominate the agricultural extension research scene. In most cases the scope is so small and narrow that the outcome cannot feed into policy. This is clearly not an acceptable state of affairs. This compilation therefore, is an effort to provide a guide that will encourage all those involved in agricultural extension work to conduct research. It is targeted at field extension personnel who by the nature of their work sit on a large amount of valuable agricultural extension data that hitherto are not collected, analyzed and reported. It is also designed to serve the need and meet the challenges of junior and senior academics who not only share the responsibility of teaching research methods and statistics as a course at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, but also, must conduct research to advance knowledge in agricultural extension. This is not a text book on research methods and statistics, it does not address the conceptual and theoretical underlining of the methods and statistics presented, rather, it provides guidelines on how to use these methods and statistics.