Confidence of Extension Staff in Akwa Ibom State Agricultural Development Programme
This study assessed the organizational confidence of extension staff inAkwa Ibom state agricultural development programme (AKADEP). Thestudy also determined the relationships between selected personalcharacteristics and organizational confidence variables of the extensionstaff. A sample of ninety (90) randomly selected respondents providedinformation used for the study. Percentages, mean scores and Pearsoncorrelation coefficient were employed in the analysis of data. Majority ofthe extension agents (EAs), block extension agents (BEAs), blockextension supervisors (BESs), and zonal extension officers (ZEOs) weresometimes satisfied with AKADEP as their organization. Age, householdsize, and years of extension experience of EAs were strong indicators oforganizational confidence. Age, level of formal education, household sizeand extension experience of BEAs were strong predicators oforganizational confidence. Age, level of formal education, household sizeand extension experience of BESs were significantly associated withorganizational confidence. Age, household size and years of extensionexperience of ZEOs were strong indicators of organizational confidence.Policies that would make good and balanced working conditions to beprevalent in AKADEP should be designed. This will promoteorganizational confidence of extension staff which, in turn, will boost theirjob performance and ultimately the performance of AKADEP as anextension agency.Downloads
How to Cite
Ekumankama, A. O., & Anyawu, A. C. (2008). Confidence of Extension Staff in Akwa Ibom State Agricultural Development Programme. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 12(1). Retrieved from
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