Availability and Utilization of Digital Marketing Strategies among Fresh African Catfish Marketers in Omambala Region of Anambra State, Nigeria


  • Onyinyechukwu Hope Onubogu Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Nigeria
  • Ifeanyi Emmanuel Uzochukwu Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.


This study examined the availability and utilization of digital marketing strategies among fresh African catfish marketers in Omambala region of Anambra State, Nigeria. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected from 120 respondents. The finding of the study confirmed that fresh catfish marketing in the study area is a source of livelihood engaged by marketers who were mostly married, with a mean age of 33 years and an average fresh catfish marketing experience of 10 years. 79.2% of these marketers were female while 77.5% of them had formal education up to the secondary school level. The average household size was 6 persons while personal saving was their main source of income. Social media, YouTube, websites, and mobile applications were the digital marketing strategies available to them. Their perception of the benefits of digital marketing includes easy access to unlimited geographical location and information, its less expensive nature, convenient store hours, and increased customer base, sales, and profit. Findings on the level of utilization of digital marketing strategies (LOUDMS) amongst the marketers showed that there were high levels of utilization of social media marketing, video marketing/YouTube, Mobile applications, and websites, with social media marketing being the most utilized. High cost of mobile phones and laptops, inadequate operating capital, poor power supply, computer literacy, huge advertisement and internet subscription cost, limited access to the internet, and lack of awareness were the identified constraints to the marketers’ utilization of digital marketing strategies. Age of the marketers had a negative effect on their LOUDMS, while educational qualification, marketing experience and availability of funds had a positive effect on their LOUDMS. The study concluded that fresh catfish marketing is a source of livelihood in the study area and the marketers utilize some digital marketing strategies. We, therefore, recommended that these fresh catfish marketers be given financial support and more awareness created on other digital marketing strategies for increased income and livelihood.


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How to Cite

Nwoye, I. I., Onubogu, O. H., & Uzochukwu, I. E. . (2022). Availability and Utilization of Digital Marketing Strategies among Fresh African Catfish Marketers in Omambala Region of Anambra State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 26(2), 61–69. Retrieved from https://aesonnigeria.org/ajm/index.php/jae/article/view/3187



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