Participatory Approach to Training Needs Analysis for Sustainable Development: Experience from Cluster Projects in Two Nigerian States


  • T A Sinkaiye Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute, llorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
  • A O Ajayi Dept, of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, O.A.U., lle-lfe, Nigeria


Participatory Approach, Sustainable Development, Cluster


The study examined the sustainability of the clustersprojects after the funding agenciesmight have withdrawn. The two clusters projects were visited to collect primary and secondary data. Specifically, the members of the clusters were taken through exercises to assess the viability and the level of autonomy of the organizations. The structure beingoperatedby the clusters was also examined. Results of the study revealed that the areas of training needs of the two clusters varied between the clusters. clusters need training in fund raising, strategic planning, record keeping and human resource management. The study concludes that the clusters have the potentials of a sustainable organization the leaders have the trainings in the areas identified. It is recommended that training shouldbe need specific and the needs be analyzed usingparticipatory methodologies. In order to ensure its sustainability, the involvement of stakeholders at everystage right fromplanningofclusterisparamount.


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How to Cite

Sinkaiye, T. A., & Ajayi, A. O. (2007). Participatory Approach to Training Needs Analysis for Sustainable Development: Experience from Cluster Projects in Two Nigerian States. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 10. Retrieved from



General Extension and Teaching Methods