Determinants of Communication Channel Used among Rice Value Chain Actors in Nasarawa and Benue States, Nigeria


  • Cynthia Ebere Nwobodo University of Nigeria Nsukka
  • Agwu Ekwe Agwu University of Nigeria Nsukka
  • David John Okoronkwo University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Celestina Dupe Innih University of Nigeria Nsukka


The study assessed the determinants of communication channel use among rice value chain actors in Nasarawa and Benue States, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select six hundred (600) respondents. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview schedule and were analyzed using a binary logistic regression model with the forced entry method. Results show that the full Logit Regression model containing all the predictors for determinants of use of face-to-face communication channel (x2 = 19.74), mobile phone (x2 = 46.453), radio (x2 = 55.12), television (x2 = 34.41) and print media (x2 = 29.71) were statistically significant. The key determinants for the use of mobile phones include: sex, age, number of social organizations, and years of experience while sex, age, and number of years spent in school were key determinants in the use of television. Therefore, extension agents should consider the different socio-economic groups in selecting communication channels in reaching out to rice value chain actors as identified. Also, extension agencies should create awareness, and provide training opportunities to enable actors to take advantage of the available channels in rice value chain communication.


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2023-04-04 — Updated on 2023-04-21


How to Cite

Nwobodo, C. E., Agwu, A. E. ., Okoronkwo, D. J., & Innih , C. D. (2023). Determinants of Communication Channel Used among Rice Value Chain Actors in Nasarawa and Benue States, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27(2). Retrieved from (Original work published April 4, 2023)



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