Factors Influencing Youth Participation in Pineapple Production in the Eastern Region, Ghana


  • Rosina Akyere Buabeng
  • Emma Adom University of Ghana
  • Akwasi Mensah-Bonsu University of Ghana, Legon


Youth participation, pineapple production, youth employment


The study examined the perceptions of youth and the factors influencing their participation in farm production, using the case of pineapple production in the Eastern region of Ghana. One hundred and eight youths were selected using a multistage sampling procedure. Percentage and a logit regression model were used for the analysis. Generally, participants (81%) perceived that pineapple production is labour-intensive and therefore they need support and incentives to motivate youth participation. Age (0.034), sex - being a male (0.206) and access to farm inputs – fertiliser (0.176) had positive and significant (1% level) influences on youth participation in pineapple production. The presence of an alternative source of employment (-0.154) and tertiary education level relative to no education (-0.249) discouraged participation in pineapple (primary) production by the youth. Investing in mechanised services and promoting farm inputs (fertiliser) accessibility are important to encourage the youth to participate in farm production.


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How to Cite

Rosina Akyere Buabeng, Emma Adom, & Akwasi Mensah-Bonsu. (2024). Factors Influencing Youth Participation in Pineapple Production in the Eastern Region, Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 28(4), 92–109. Retrieved from https://aesonnigeria.org/ajm/index.php/jae/article/view/4446



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