Effect of Personality Types of Extension Personnel on their Job Performance in Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme (RISADEP). Implications for Human Capacity Building


  • M. C. Ijeoma Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State,
  • O. M. Adesope Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State


Extension personnel, Personality type, Job performance and Rivers State


This research examines the Effect of Personality Types of Extension Personnel on their Job Performance in Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme (RISADEP). Specifically, the study describes the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, identifies the individual personality types of extension personnel in RISADEP, ascertains the job performance of extension personnel; determine whether a relationship exist between job performance and personality type of extension personnel and whether Socio-demographic characteristics affect job performance of extension personnel. Data collection was with the aid of a structured questionnaire administered to 63 extension personnel which was randomly selected from six area offices of which only 57 was useable for analysis. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and correlation analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the level of job performance for each of the extension personnel sampled was rated above average with a mean performance of 71.39. The correlation analysis result showed that there is a significant relationship between job performance and personality type of extension personnel of 0.411 at 0.01level of significance, with more of the extension personnel with ESFJ (Extroverted feeling with sensing) (29.82%) personality type followed by ISFJ (Introverted sensing with feeling) (19.3%) and ENFJ (Extroverted feeling with intuiting) (12.28), ENFP (Extroverted intuiting with feeling), ENTP (Extroverted intuiting with thinking), ESTJ (Extroverted thinking with sensing) with (8.8%). Findings also revealed that socio-demographic characteristics do not significantly affect job performance of extension personnel except experience which had a positive and significant correlation of 0.276 at 0.05level of significance. It is therefore recommended among others that a personality test be conducted during recruitment of personnel to ensure that personnel with the right personality are employed and a constant appraisal of extension personnel job performance to make sure that they are up and doing. 


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How to Cite

Ijeoma, M. C., & Adesope, O. M. (2015). Effect of Personality Types of Extension Personnel on their Job Performance in Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme (RISADEP). Implications for Human Capacity Building. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 19(1). Retrieved from https://aesonnigeria.org/ajm/index.php/jae/article/view/454



General Extension and Teaching Methods