Training Needs of Pineapple Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria


  • J C Iwuchukwu Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • C E Udoye Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • E A Onwubuya Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria


The study identified training needs of pineapple farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria.Purposive sampling technique was used to select two zones (Awgu and Nsukkazones), four blocks, eight circles and eighty pineapple farmers that were used for the study. Some of the data were analysed with percentage and mean score while some were presented in charts.. Majority (77.5%) of the respondents did not have contact with extension agents in 2011 and they sourced information on pineapple from neighbours (86.3%).The mean annual expenditure and income from pineapple were N27, 568 and N235, 530 respectively. Majority (96.2%) of the respondents had no training on processing and preservation of pineapple and off season production of pineapple (85%). Majority of the respondents indicated that training on pineapple should be organized by researchers (65%) through interpersonal communication (83.8%) using local language (Igbo) (78.8%). Provision of effective micro-credit facilities (M=2.84) and stability of government policy (stability of price of pineapple) (M=2.68) were perceived by the respondents as major strategies that will improve pineapple production in the area. The study encouraged building capacities of pineapple farmers through informal training especially in the areas of processing, preservation and off-season production of pineapple so that they can face challenges of the enterprise, boost their farm size and income.




How to Cite

Iwuchukwu, J. C., Udoye, C. E., & Onwubuya, E. A. (2013). Training Needs of Pineapple Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 17(1). Retrieved from



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